Title: Pilot Project: Community action to build climate change resilience in Trinidad and Tobago.

Location           Trinidad

Year                 2012

Funded by        United Nations Development Programme  - Global Environment Facility,                          Small Grants Programme (UNDP GEF SGP)                        


Amount            USD 50,000


Project Purpose

To pilot an approach to enhance the capacity of rural communities in Trinidad and Tobago to adapt to the impacts of climate change through increased knowledge and understanding of climate change impacts and facilitating community action to develop and implement resilience-building strategies.


By piloting the development and testing of mechanisms for resilience to climate change at the community level, a necessary step will be taken in addressing present shortcomings of vulnerable communities and livelihoods.  The approach will contribute to building of the knowledge base of these stakeholders and greater advocacy for policy development and advancement. 

Trinidad and Tobago is a member state of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and this project is in support of the implementation programme of CARICOM's "Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change" (2011-2021).  The project fits the Global Strategic Framework and Trinidad and Tobago Country Programme Strategy, serving as a demonstration and capacity development project, designed as a pilot project, the results of which are to be documented and shared with similar communities in which adaptation strategies are needed.  It will contribute to the bank of knowledge on this area of global concern and adaptation strategies.

Project Goal

To increase the resilience of livelihoods in rural communities in Trinidad and Tobago to the impacts of climate change


Project Activities

Related News Releases

CANARI aiding community action on climate change - February 2012

Community sharpens focus on climate change - August 2012

GEF Newsletter 4th Edition




Check out our photo albums on Facebook !

Caura resilience building workshop, February 2012

Building community awareness and action on climate change, June 2012

Participatory video training in Caura, August 2012

Participatory video editing in Caura, August 2012

Community screening of Participatory video, takes place at Caura Activity Centry, October 2012

Rural communities' experience on climate resilience building, November 2012

Stakeholders meet in Caura Valley on resilience building

Community installs rainwater harvesting system



Impact of climate change in Caura valley


For more information, contact:  Nicole Leotaud    -  [email protected]








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