UNDP CBO Training workshop in project design and proposal writing


The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) received a small grant from the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP) for a project entitled “Capacity development for rural communities in Trinidad for climate change adaptation, Phase 1: Effective proposal writing in 12 community-based organizations . A training workshop was held at the University of Trinidad & Tobago from 23rd-25th March, 2011.



The main objective of the workshop was to build capacity in effective project design and proposal writing through a 3-day participatory training workshop targeting 12 community-based organisations (CBOs) in rural Trinidad that are working in the area of biodiversity conservation and building sustainable livelihoods based on the use of natural resources.

The secondary objectives were as follows:

  • to build the capacity of 12 CBOs to be able to identify opportunities to improve their livelihoods based on the sustainable use of natural resources.
  • to facilitate greater sharing of experiences and collaboration between the 12 CBOs.
  • to provide recommendations for the redesign of the application forms and the process for the UNDP/GEF/SGP.


  • Participants enhanced their capacity for design and implementation of projects through
    reviewing and analysing the project cycle, learning new skills to define the problem to be addressed and designing a project to address the problem.
  • Participants were also able to share experiences and lessons learned about project
    development and referred each other to resources (funding, technical advice, training,
    and resource people) available to assist in attaining sustainable livelihoods.
  • Participants provided a listing of recommendations for the redesign of the UNDP GEF
    SGP small grant application form and made suggestions on how grantees could be
    supported once a grant is issued to them.


UNDP CBO Training workshop in project design and proposal writing report

Check out the workshop photo album on Facebook !


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