Empowering rural women through improving livelihoods

Location: Trinidad and Tobago

Term: June 2012 - December 2013

Funded by: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UN WOMEN)

Amount: USD 84,531

Project purpose

To improve livelihoods of rural women in Trinidad and Tobago through supporting them to develop or strengthen small economic enterprises based on the sustainable use of natural resources and to communicate to policy-makers how to develop or strengthen enabling mechanisms to support rural women entrepreneurs.


Project goal

Increased or strengthened livelihood opportunities for rural women in Trinidad and Tobago, who are able to effectively advocate for having their priorities incorporated in relevant policies, programmes, budgets, and processes with the development of effective models of community-level initiatives for advancing women’s human rights and eliminating gender inequality.

Project activities:  

  • Sensitisation meeting
  • Four (4) one-day training workshops
  • Establishment of a network of women in small businesses based on use of natural resources
  • Small grant allocations for implementation of resilience building measures to climate change in businesses / improvement of businesses
  • Documentation of two case studies based on the project experiences of rural women managing small businesses based on sustainable use of natural resources in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Development of a policy brief targeted at policy makers highlighting what is needed by rural women to implement and manage small businesses based on the sustainable use of natural resources
  • Presentation of project findings to key stakeholders and at regional fora by members of the network of women in small businesses based on use of natural resources

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For more information, contact: Nicole Leotaud - [email protected]

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