Capacity Building
Programme rationale:
CANARI identifies various elements of capacity that are important in participatory natural resource management, namely: world view/culture; structures; skills and knowledge; financial resources; relationships/linkages; and adaptive capacity. Capacity building is conducted by CANARI in a variety of ways including through training, coaching, mentoring, exchanges, small grants for piloting approaches, and individual or group study to build skills, knowledge, values and commitment. Exploring innovative tools that facilitate participatory approaches is a priority focus. CANARI uses several key tools to engage stakeholders in its work, which are outlined in the CANARI Toolkit for Participatory Natural Resource Management. This Toolkit is continually expanded and refined to include new tools and case studies of their application. These tools are used by CANARI across its programmes but specific development, testing, assessment and documentation on the tools is included within this Capacity Building Programme.
Programme purpose
Participatory approaches enshrined in policy and practice for natural resources governance.
Programme goal
To build capacity for participatory natural resource governance and sustainable natural resource-based livelihoods through conducting training, coaching, mentoring, small grants, training of trainers and mentors, and influencing the capacity building programmes of others.
Programme objectives
- To develop, test, assess and document tools that can facilitate participatory natural resource governance approaches.
- To enhance the capacity of resource users to develop resilient and sustainable livelihoods.
- To enhance the capacity of all stakeholders to effectively participate in management of natural resources.
- To build a cadre of facilitators and mentors in the region who can design and facilitate participatory processes and mentor civil society and rural communities.
- To enhance the capacity of resource users, civil society, academia, government and the media to effectively communicate to build awareness, understanding and commitment and to influence policy and practice.
Priority programme results 2011-2016
- Grants issued to support the work of civil society and communities under the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and other small grant programmes managed by CANARI
- Built capacity of civil society leaders across the Caribbean, including through using action learning, coaching and mentoring, and peer exchange
- Built capacity of trainers and mentors to facilitate participatory processes and to mentor CSOs and rural communities
- CANARI’s flagship training programme re-established to offer open training opportunities outside of projects
- CANARI’s Toolkit on Participatory Natural Resource Management in capacity building programmes revised with new tools, concepts and case studies
- Regional conference on participatory protected area management held in 2013 and on a topic to be determined in 2016
- Innovative approaches (including social media, Participatory 3D Mapping (P3DM) and participatory video) tested as tools for facilitation and capacity building
Recent and current projects
Promoting participatory information communication technologies (ICTs) for adding value to traditional knowledge in climate change adaptation, advocacy and policy processes in the Caribbean
Key publications