Thematic Programmes
Strategy Programmes
Issue Programmes
Climate change and disaster risk reduction
Rural Livelihoods programme
Green Economy
Civil society and governance
Consolidating the role of civil society in biodiversity conservation in the Caribbean islands
Building capacity for equitable, effective and sustained participation of civil society organisations in biodiversity conservation in Caribbean islands
Building civil society capacity for conservation in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories
Improving governance through civil society involvement in natural resource management in the Caribbean
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) Caribbean Programme
UNDP CBP Training Project
Case studies
Two case studies were published under this project:
CANARI 2009. Thirty Years in Support of Participatory Natural Resource Management the experience of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI). CANARI Technical Report No. 387:38pp
, also available in French:
Trente années au service de la gestion participative des ressources naturelles: l'expérienc
e de l'Institut Caraїbe des Ressources naturelles,
and Spanish:
Treinta Años Apoyando el Manejo Participativo de los Recursos Naturales: la experiencia del Instituto Caribeño de Recursos Naturales
A case study of Consorcio Ambiental Dominicano "
Consorcio Ambiental Dominicano: a decade of networking and developing strategic partnerships to promote the conservation and participatory management of natural resources in the Dominican Republic
", also available in French: "
Le Consorcio Ambiental Dominicano (CAD): Une décennie de collaboration et de création de partenariats stratégiques pour la promotion de la conservation et la gestion des ressources naturelles en République dominicaine
", and Spanish :
"El Consorcio Ambiental Dominicano (CAD): Una década de trabajo en red y desarrollando alianzas estratégicas para promover la conservación y la gestión participativa de los recursos naturales en la República Dominicana