Practices and policies that improve forest management and the livelihoods of the rural poor in the insular Caribbean (2007-2010).
Forests and Livelihoods Action Learning Group
The Forests and Livelihoods Action Learning Group (ALG) is funded under this project but considers research findings from the entire Forests and Livelihoods Programme. The Action Learning Group comprises "change agents" from government, civil society and the private sector, with expertise in fields such as forestry, tourism, agriculture, rural development, community development, and organisational development. Members are selected on an individual rather than organisational basis, and assist with analysis, application and dissemination of research findings. See Action Learning Group concept note for more information. The key concepts and research framework will also provide useful background.
The ALG has been meeting at approximately six-month intervals since June 2007
In view of the high value of the ALG’s inputs and insights to the overall Forests and Livelihoods Programme, CANARI will be seeking to find funding to continue the ALG process beyond the current project time frame.
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